
Ini dia cerita dari kunjungan dan liburan Zidan sekeluarga ke rumah mbah buyut di Gombong, Jawa tengah juga ke Jogjakarta,Solo, Bekasi dan Jakarta.

Perjalanan di mulai pada senin pagi tgl. 2 Nopember kemarin dengan terbang bersama Batavia air menuju Cengkareng -Jakarta selama 1 jam 20 menit. Istirahat sebentar di Bandara Soekarno Hatta untuk melaksanakan sholat Dzuhur, setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan menaiki bus Damri menuju Bekasi. Kebetulan siang hari jalanan di Jakarta tidak macet, maka perjalanan dapat di tempuh selama kurang lebih 1 jam saja. Tiba di pul Damri Mega Mall - Giant Bekasi, langsung deh menghubungi Om Indra (adik bungsu saya yg teknisi HP di gerai handphone Taxco) untukngambil kunci rumahnya yg di Pondok Hijau Permai. Setelah ketemu sebentar dan mengambil kunci rumahnya, kami langsung melanjutkan perjalanan lagi menuju PHP dengan menaiki Taxi tarif bawah yg banyak mangkal di dekat Giant Bekasi. Berhubung masih tersisa waktu 2 jam sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke Gombong, maka kami manfaatkan waktu yg ada itu untuk sekedar meluruskan badan, istirahat sejenak dan sholat Ashar.
Jam 5 sorenya, kami pun berangkat melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Gombong, rumahnya mbah buyut Zidan, alias kampung halaman mbah kakung nya Zidan. Dengan menaiki bus Sinar Jaya tujuan Bekasi-Jogjakarta, perjalanan di tempuh selama kurang lebih 9 jam plus berhenti beberapa kali untuk istirahat makan (ya walaupun dah tengah malam, perut masih mau juga tuh di jejalin makanan :P ), melewati tol cikampek trus nyambung ke tol Cileunyi Bandung. Kami tiba di rumah mbah buyut yg kebetulan letak rumahnya di pinggir jalan antar propinsi itu sekitar jam 4 subuh.

Waduh, deg deg-an bercampur gembira rasa dihati ini, karena beberapa detik lagi akan segera ketemu mbah Buyut. "Tok..tok..tok...Assalamualaikum, Mbah...Mbah...!" begitu teriak Zidan yg sudah tak sabar ingin segera berjumpa. Dan dari dalam rumah terdengar jawaban "Wa'alaikumsalam....wah kiye putune karo buyute teka ............... !" begitu teriak bule saya (adiknya bapak). Ya, karena kunjungan kali ini lengkap bagi kami, karena ada saya sebagai cucu nya mbah dan Zidan sebagai cicitnya alias buyutnya mbah, serta ayah Zidan sebagai cucu mantunya. Walaupun mbah sudah sepuh, 85 thn, dan sudah mulai pikun, alhamdulillah ia masih bisa mengingat saya, cucu nya. Dan begitu melihat Zidan, alangkah senangnya mbah, sampai-sampai tak terasa air mata menetes di pipi ini. 

Ya..suasana begitu bahagia dan haru, setelah sekitar 10 tahun, saya belum mengunjungi mbah kembali. Terakhir pada waktu masih kuliah dulu. Sekarang keadaannya sudah berbeda, saya sudah mempunyai suami dan anak, sementara mbah sudah semakin tua dan renta. Tetapi kami sangat bersyukur, Allah masih memberikan mbah umur yg panjang serta kesehatan. Karena mbah masih bisa jalan sendiri, ya walaupun pelan-pelan, dan masih sanggup melahap makanan dan minuman apa saja yg ia mau.
Setelah melepas kangen, kami pun beristirahat tidur karena tadi di dalam bus selamaperjalanan tidur pun tidak bisa nyenyak. Bangun tidur, kami langsung disuguhkan sarapan tempe mendoan yang gede dan lebar banget. Ini adalah tempe goreng tepung khas Gombong. Makan satu aja dah kenyang.

Siang harinya, tgl 3 Nopember setelah sholat Dzuhur, kami pergi bersama adik sepupu saya Kopsah dan Ma'i pergi mengunjungi objek wisata yg letaknya dekat dengan rumah mbah, yaitu Goa Jatijajar dan Pantai Ayah (Logending).


Malam ini kami tidur di rumah mbah. Kami manfaatkan untuk ngobrol dengan mbah juga bule dan kedua adik sepupu saya. Pak le kebetulan sudah meninggal 2 tahun yang lalu. Suasana di rumah itu sungguh hangat dan bahagia, plus ramai dan heboh oleh kelakuan Zidan yg pecicilan gak bisa diam. Ada aja ulahnya yg bikin orang ketawa..... :D
Tanggal 4 Nopember pagi, kami pergi ke Jogjakarta dengan menaiki bus Efisiensi jurusan Cilacap-Jogja. Bus patas AC ini bagus sekali pelayanannya. Sudahlah bersih dan nyaman, begitu kami naik dan duduk, keneknya langsung menawari kami minuman ringan. Ada beberapa pilihan, boleh freshtea-cocacola-sprite-fanta, tiap orang dapat jatah 1 botol. Harga tiket bus ini adalah 40 ribu rupiah saja. Perjalanan dari depan rumah Mbah (depan pom bensin desa Ngijo) sampai Jogja ditempuh selama 3 jam. Sampai di Jogja, kami merental mobil avanza dan langsung membawa kami menuju candi borobudur. Lagi-lagi Zidan dan Ayah sangat senang sekali bisa berkunjung dan melihat salah satu keajaiban dunia. Candi yg begitu megah dan kokohnya, di tambah lagi dengan ukiran relief pada batu penyusun candi. Dan satu lagi candi ini dibangun tidak pakai semen atau perekat loh....sungguh luar biasa. Padahal umurnya sudah ber abad-abad tua nya, tetapi masih berdiri kokoh dan bersahaja hingga saat ini.
Setelah puas dan lumayan lelah menjelajah candi Borobudur, perjalanan kami lanjutkan ke kota Solo. Di Solo kami hendak menjumpai saudara sekaligus kawan lama semasa bapak saya remaja. Pak de Marsito namanya, atau lengkapnya AKBP. Marsito, SH, MH. Pakde sekarang bekerja sebagai advokat bid binkum di polda Jateng. Nostalgia pun terjadi walaupun dalam waktu yg hanya sebentar saja. Sekitar jam 7 malam, kami kembali ke Jogja lagi. Tepatnya ke asrama polisi Patuk, menuju rumah pakde Rusiono. Beliau juga polisi di polda Jogja. Kebetulan besok beliau akan menghadapi ujian kenaikan pangkat. Maka kami pun tidak berlama-lama menemuinya, takut mengganggu konsentrasi belajarnya. Pakde lalu mengantar kami menuju Indah Hotel di jl. Jogonegaran, di belakang Malioboro. Setelah cek-in dan menaruh backpack, kami pun ingin merasakan malam di malioboro. Dengan menaiki delman alias andong alias dokar, kami mengelilingi malioboro. Sayang sekali waktu itu sudah menunjukkan jam 10.30 malam. Banyak toko dan pedagang yg sudah pada tutup dan pulang. Akhirnya kami pun kembali ke hotel lagi.


Yo wis, no problem....karena perjalanan masih panjang nih. Nah siangnya kita pulang deh, balik ke rumah mbah lagi. Dan tentunya naik bus Efisiensi lagi. Sampai di rumah mbah hari sudah sore. Wah capek sih, tapi seneng banget bisa sampai ke Jogja-Solo. Dan yang bikin seneng lagi, di rumah mbah udah ada legen alias sajeng, yaitu air nira yang disadap atau diambil dari pucuk pohon kelapa. Rasanya manis banget. Nah, air nira kelapa ini lah yg menjadi bahan baku gula jawa. Di sekitar rumah mbah ini, banyak juga penduduk yg memproduksi gula jawa di rumahnya. Selain itu, bule juga sudah nyiapin es kelapa muda. Kelapanya juga boleh ngambil tuh di pekarangan belakang rumah mbah. Wah..uenak tenan deh, seger ..!!
Malamnya kita packing deh, beres-beres, karena besok paginya kan mau pulang ke Bekasi....
Hiks..hiks..^_^ sedih deh bakal ninggalin mbah dan keluarga dijawa lagi nih. Belum tau kapan lagi bisa mengunjungi mbah lagi. Ya, mudah2an sih tahun depan bisa kembali lagi....Doain ya mbah !!!
Tanggal 6 Nopember pagi, kami pun pamit kepada mbah dan bule sekeluarga. Wah sedih lagi deh, gak terasa air mata dah tumpah dipipi ini. Ya, bagaikan mimpi bagi kami bisa berjumpa mbah sekeluarga di Ngijo kali ini. Setelah berpamitan dan say goodbye, kami diantar mobil colt - angkot pedesaan menuju ke stasiun kereta Gombong.
Kereta Sawunggaling yg akan membawa kami kembali ke Bekasi baru akan tiba jam 7.50 nanti. Kami pun masih harus menunggu sekita 30 menit lagi. Dan tak terasa kereta pun tiba menjemput kami sekeluarga. Setelah semua penumpang naik, lalu kereta berangkat meninggalkan stasiun Gombong tepat jam 8.00 pagi. Perjalanan melintasi jalur utara pulau jawa ini di tempuh selama kurang lebih 7 jam. Pada perjalanan ini, kami bisa melihat dan menikmati pemandangan berupa hamparan sawah yg hijau, ladang bawang merah di Brebes, kebun mangga di derah Indramayu, dan beberapa sungai serta kali yg masih bersih dan jernih yg kami temui sepanjang perjalanan itu. Tepat jam 3 sore, kereta tiba untuk berhenti sejenak di stasiun Bekasi. Di sini lah kami turun, walaupun tujuan akhir kereta Sawunggaling ini adalah stasiun pasar Senen di Jakarta. Niat yang utama yaitu mengunjungi mbah buyut sudah terlaksana. Selanjutnya mengunjungi adik, saudara dan teman kerabat di Bekasi dan Jakarta.

Tanggal 7 dan 8 Nopember, kami habiskan untuk mengunjungi teman dan kerabat serta saudara di Bekasi. Ayah Zidan juga sudah janjian ketemu dengan rekan bisnisnya. Selain itu juga, kami puas-puasin deh main ke Giant dan Metropolitan Mall Bekasi, juga membeli dan mencicipi jajanan makanan yg enak dan murah-murah disana.
Tanggal 9 pagi, kami pamit dan singgah menuju rumah kakak ayah Zidan di rawa belong, sambil menghabiskan waktu seharian menunggu waktu penerbangan yg memang sengaja kami pilih jam 7 malam. Setelah dipaksain puas deh, bertemu dengan sang kakak, lalu dengan diantar kawan saya semasa sekolah dulu, kami bergegas menuju bandara Soe-Ta. Karena kalo sore hari pas jam pulang ngantor, jalanan di Jakarta macet buanget. Makanya kudu buruan deh, dan Alhamdulillah sampe di bandara pas jam 5.30 sore sesuai dengan jadwal cek-in. Akhirnya setelah menunggu delay 30 menit, pesawat Mandala membawa kami terbang kembali ke Pekanbaru. Sampai jumpa lagi yaaa...!!! Till we meet again ..... !! hiks..hiks..hiks... ^_^
ReplyDeletekok ga ngajak2 si mbak.....
mana 0leh2 nya.....
ReplyDeletejogja eeuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Bagi-bagi tante eka dong, Zidan... Tempe goreng tepungnya :)
ReplyDeletewaduh mba......asyik tu ke jogja
ReplyDeletekok gak tau y paklik,law tau paklik mau nitip gudeg,n batik jogjanya...
oleh2 dari gombong mana nih zidan??
ReplyDeleteWeh..., Zidan jalan2....bikin pengen.....Kok gak ngajak2 Om seh...:D
ReplyDeletembah buyutnya masih sehat? alhamdulillah.... hebat tuh!
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Next I've picked out Dennis Violet who played for the reds of Manchester in no fewer than 291 games during the Busby Babes period. Violet amassed 178 goals and was one of the lucky players that didn't perish in the Munich disaster. manchester united [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]man utd vs[/url] Manchester United and Manchester City are only two of the city’s local football teams. Recent estimates indicate that Greater Manchester has the most number of football clubs per capita anywhere in the world. Among the other professional football teams in Greater Manchester are Oldham Athletic, Stockport County, Bury, Wigan Athletic, Rochdale and Bolton Wanderers. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]vidic[/url] Back in the Newton Heath era, the kits were made up of yellow and green stitched sections (1878 - 1892), and looked a bit like a jockey's silks. Some additional colour schemes were also employed such as a red and white shirt (1892-1894) paired with blue shorts. This all changed in 1902 when the club changed its name to Manchester United, the club radically altered the kit colours to red shirts, white shorts and black socks. This colour palette has been the foundation of the home strip ever since. The away strip is white jerseys, black shorts and white socks however different looks to this strip have existed. The most notorious of these was the all-grey strip employed in the 1995-1996 campaign. The club did not win a single game when sporting the grey shirts. The team were vociferous in their claims that the drab colour meant they had difficulty seeing their team-mates, hence passes were being sprayed all over the pitch! Another variation was the all-black kit used in 1994 and 2003. There is also a "Third Strip". This shirt which is not often used, is an homage to the kit worn when the club won the 1968 European Cup. The team has occasionally used the strips employed for training sessions in actual matches although this has been a rare occurence.
ReplyDeleteBut Wednesday was not Real’s night; the team lost the first leg at France and had to make 2 goals in order to advance. And at home, there seemed to be real possibility. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]real madrid football club[/url] Real Madrid maintains their fight for the title of the Spanish League after beating Real Zaragoza in an anguishing match, 2-1 this past Saturday. Real Zaragoza, which played the second half with ten players due to the expulsion of the Italian midfielder, Matteo Contini, were close to making a draw. However, a great goal from Kaka at minute 82 gave the Meringues the victory and moved them closer to Barcelona in the top spot by one point. Barcelona also took a victory after beating Xerez 3-1, leading with 87 points.
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Higuain, recently recovered from his injury, exhibited his great talent as always and played for several minutes in the game. In the final minutes of the match, the player took a last opportunity at minute 90 and sealed his team’s victory with a third goal, his 12th of the season. The point puts Higuain three goals ahead of Cristiano Ronaldo, who was serving the second of his two-match outlaw. With this last play, Real Madrid ended the game with a final scoring of 3-0. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]benzema[/url] Real Madrid also boasted a great game the next day against Villareal, winning 2-0. Villareal’s players and coach were not especially happy with decisions by the referee during the game, but the team stood together. They are still seeking their first victory of the season.
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In July 2006 they finally got what they were hoping for when legislation was passed with a vote of 317 to 93. By passing legislation, it appears imminent that the Wire Act of 1961 is going to be updated to more closely coincide with the internet world of today. Basically, the Wire Act states that it is a felony to transmit bets via wire communications. The next step in the process is for the bill to go in front of the Senate. If they agree with the first round of voting it is safe to say that things are going to change drastically.
The important thing to note here is that neither of the above approaches is "systemised", although those in the first group believe that they are limiting losses while increasing their winning chances. But what the majority in that first group generally do not take proper account of is how the Bookies have fixed the odds to ensure that they, the Bookies, will come out on top in the long run. What this means is that if you only bet on "favourites" you will eventually lose all your money, although it is true that you will enjoy a much longer period of betting before you kiss your last buck goodbye!
1.) Some game sites post information about the number of players currently playing at a particular game of bingo. Accordingly, you have to plan the number of bingo cards in your online bingo game. More numbers of cards yield better results when the number of players is low. Your winning percentage is then higher. [url=http://www.bingokisses.com]online free bingo[/url] One of the winning systems is to play with fewer bingo cards. Most bingo players play with many bingo cards to increase their chances of a win at the game. However, playing with fewer cards provides the best odds of the game as your chances of making a big win are higher. Another bingo system in action functions according to the theory of probability. Balls from a bingo machine come out at random, which means that no one can predict emergence of any particular number. In the same vein, you can employ the probability theory to gauge the next number to emerge from the machine. Random drawing of numbers means laws of probability govern selection of balls and their appearance in a uniform distribution pattern. [url=http://www.bingokisses.com]play free bingo[/url] If you do not know anyone who uses the gaming sites or you want some additional reinforcement your first port of call should be an online bingo community. By reading reviews by other people who use the Bingo sites, you will be able to get a feel for the different sites that exist and make a more qualified decision about which one you would like to use. The knowledge concerning different sites and what other users consider important about them is an invaluable tool for the new online Bingo player. Whether it is for fun or for money, there needs to be an element of integrity within the site and a potential for the player to win the game. The knowledge of other users concerning specific sites will tell the new online Bingo player whether the site is for real or is just masquerading in order to harvest the players email addresses in order to bombard them with spam, or worse con them out of their hard earned cash. This can all be avoided with research and trying before you buy, as mentioned earlier the best places to scope out bingo sites is by using a review site or Bingo members forum.
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Bingo is usually played in special halls where many players can play at the same time. The actual fun is the tension building up seeing other players closer and closer to the finish line. However, with the advent of the Internet, BINGO has gone online as well. There are many ways to play on the net, though the basics remain the same. You will have to complete a given pattern before anyone else in order to win. Over the net, you need not shout the computer will flash it out for you. Some online games also have chat attached to the games where you can speak with other players online and have fun right from your home, office or any other place where you can get on the net. Chatting is a great way to meet new people and pick up the tips and tricks.
Another issue that you must stay on top of is price fluctuations from the bookmaker. The prices for placing centrebet bets do not just change with different bookies but even with the same. You cannot take it for granted that the prices that are quoted in print like the Racing Post will be valid at the time of the event. With sports centrebet betting things can change very rapidly so be sure that the price will be honored before placing your centrebet bet otherwise this can seriously affect the outcome of your arbitrage sports centrebet betting.
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Everyone who is involved in any kind of gaming, gambling, or centrebet betting as heard the stories of legendary people who have supposedly created the next foolproof centrebet betting system and have used the system themselves to help them to avoid losing and get higher profits over the long haul. The fact is that there is not a system in existence that can guarantee you that you will definitely be successful and never lose.
So you are based in the United States and worried about your money and current situation, right? If so, there is one thing that you should do right away in order to protect yourself. Close down your account, and switch your funds over to an offshore or overseas service. Not only will this ensure that you are doing everything legally, but you will also be able to keep your money safe. If you are like a lot of players you may have quite a bit of money in your online gambling account. Do you want to lose all of that if something happens? It is centrebet better to be safe than sorry in this case.
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The most commonly occurring reason I have found for people consistently losing money at sports centrebet betting is that they have no "game plan". The most essential elements of a good game plan for centrebet betting purposes are a valid, proven Selection System and a proper Staking Plan. The Staking Plan alone won't cut it; first and foremost you must employ a worthwhile Selection System.
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