Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A New Live at 31th

It's been five years since i've been becoming a carrier woman. Eight working hours in the office for five days a weeks. Many goodness and happiness have had happened in my carrier. But also there were some badness and sadness too. Now i feel tired and bored with this working activity. Even for some woman, become a carrier woman is a prestigious. Well, actually it's true ..... We can have our own money from salary that we can spend to buy anything we need and we want. We can also save some of them for the future needs.
Since a month ago, every morning before i go to work Zidan always wailed and begging me to quit and stay at home with him everyday. I know he felt lonely, as he doesn't have any young brother or sister yet. He is growing up and he need many activity for his age. A special attention, love, and big hug everyday from me as his loving mother absolutely is what he always expecting to be.
This situation is disturb my mind and heavy burden on the heart.
Now in my 31th, i will be planning for a resignation. I realize that become a homemaker, wife and mommy, staying at home everyday, look after my son, cooking, and other homeworks are a prestige too. I am the manager at my home and still get 'salary' from my hubby too.
I really need a "new live". Just like my friend said that **Live begin at 30th !**
Now, i am thinking of becoming an enterpreneur. I suppose that would be a wonderful idea :););)


  1. zidane ny dikasi adik dong mba hes.. atau di sekolahin. uda bisa masuk TK kan.. kalo cuma ngandelin suami kan gapuny pegangan sendiri . itu kata mama saya sih, perempuan juga harus bekerja. tapi kerja ny kan gaharus kantoran ya mba hes, bikin usaha kecil di rumah juga bisa, jadi bisa lebih banyak waktu bareng zidan ny.

  2. Wirausahawan.... Embun pikir menjanjikan buat sebuah pekrjaan... Law ngasih Idea paling saya bisa ksh saran : Mbak buka usaha warnet aja alna apa2 skrang orang dah mencari di Internet atau anak muda2 skrang udah kecanduan Game Online...


  3. @ Attayaya ; Thanks bang. Jadi tambah semangat neh .. :D
    @ Mira : bener juga sih. Makanya lagi mikir nih mau wirausaha aja gitu. Tq ya sis .. ;)
    @ Embun : Wah, bener banget tuh mbun, nanti dirimu boleh nge-net separuh harga deh kalo aku punya warnet. Hhmm...tapi perlu modal yg banyak banget tuh, belom lagi kalo dah mulai musim mati lampu nya..hihihiiii. Anyway,setiap usaha pasti ada kendala nya sih. Tq ya Embun.

  4. bingung mau coment apa, g bisa bahasa inggris soalnya he... he...

    d tunggu coment dan foow baliknya kalau sempat


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